I hate to use this as my excuse, but it really is my main motivator (demotivator?) that I am not continuing at the moment...

Lazarus 0.9.26 is a week or two away, and I'll be getting it when it's hot to start developing Daring Apprentice 0.9.26... (or whatever I'll call the first "release").

I am fairly happy with the way the design of the network play is going now... except for the decks... at first I wanted the server to keep track of the decks, but now I think I'll only let the tournament server do that... You don't want the player in the 1-on-1 game to know your deck just because he's the server.

For the tournament server, you'll need to log in and select your deck from your own little profile thingy on the server. (Which you uploaded)

Although I still don't mind the idea that you can get the other guy's deck if you want it... But functionality must be very limited as it is probably a vulnerability.


You can start now, Lazarus 0.9.26 has been released. :-)

October 15, 2008 at 1:54 PM  

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