For the next revision (still to come out - will release when 0.9.26 is done) searching on colors for the deck editor has been improved.
Previously if you selected "White, Green, Gold, Mono-colored", then the mono-colored would take preference above Gold, and you would only find Mono-White and Mono-Green cards. Now, mono-colored and gold work together. This means, searching for "White, Green, Gold, Mono-colored" will return Mono-White cards, Mono-Green cards, and gold cards that are ONLY green and white. Another change, sees that it also adds all Hybrid-White, and Hybrid-Green cards to it. It assumes that any hybrid card can cast that as a "mono" color. (PLEASE let me know if this is not true!)
So as for color searching in Daring Apprentice... the only thing that remains are for understanding split cards... (ie. finding Fire/Ice on a mono-blue, or mono-red search).
At the moment it understands it as a gold card with colors Blue and Red.
Labels: Deck Editor, Feature, Search
Unknown said...
Yip, hybrid cards (e.g {W/G}{W/G}, can be played using WW WG or GG.
It is a very good search tool.
October 5, 2008 at 10:46 PM