Well, this revision started actually as a bugfix for what the new P2 docking broke, but grew into some other changes too. Crossbuilder updated GLscene so that I can now output the card's names etc. to "canvas". This prompted quite a bit of work into the linux binary, which is now pretty much as playable as the windows one.

I do not know what is the requirements for the linux binary, but it's compiled as a GTK1 widgetset, so I assume you'll need that.

I also hung around quite a bit on #lazarus-ide@irc.freenode.net (IRC Channel) and found out how to launch a browser process in WinXP. So now windows users will be able to view the local help (or go to the website / helpsite) from the help menu. To be tested in Vista of course, and other versions of windows too.

Revision 95:
Fix : Messages should only report the cardname on a random discard, not the casting cost as well
Fix : When closing the application, the docked hand must be undocked first, to prevent a crash
M : About box now has an added tab
M : Camera changes will always wait 1 second before saving now (giving you smoother changes)
F : For linux: Card names and all other texts are now drawn too (does not use GLSpaceText)
F : For windows: Help files can now be opened from the help menu
M : New linux binary uploaded


It didn't work on my dad's laptop (on Ubuntu Hardy) :-(

But it may have been something related to data?

August 16, 2008 at 11:59 PM  

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