This is a very big revision with regards to the previous ones.

Before I can jump into networking, I had to do a couple of BIG changes, but then while I'm at it, make other changes too.

* Get card movements to be "teleporting" rather than continuous movements. (Less network traffic)
* Creating windows for each zone.
* Moved the "hardcoded" player1 hand to the same interface and methods that player2's did.

Revision 99 sees several new features, and changes, so please report bugs as you find them.

Revision 99:
Fix : (WAY OLD bug, see ref 63) Up and down on the deckeditor now keeps selected item selected (though focus is still not done)
F : Desideboarding for soloplay
F : There is now a window for each zone (per player)
U : Power/Toughness (to/from) searching has been made more descriptive (labels added)
U : Moving cards are now not "continuous", but are done via a "transparent" block, that shows you where is legal spots
Fix : Attaching onto player 2's cards doesn't invert the movements(for singleplayer)
U : Table is bigger, though effectively only "wider", decks and SB and zones have moved wider
MU : Misc User Interface changes (column widths in SB, Opponent hand etc.)
U : Playing cards Facedown from a zone is now easier (and from the "public zones" (graveyard/RFG) it'll display which card is played facedown)
U : Random discards now says that it was random.
Fix : Clicking "New" in the deckeditor, names the deck Untitled, and will now save as when clicking save
U : Loading a deck for player1, should select player1's old deck by default, and player2, should select player2's by default.
Fix : While creating tokens, tab will now stop at the P/T too.
U : Attaching works differently now! Unattaching with multiple attachments doesn't work 100%
Fix : Attacking with attached cards works as intended at the moment
U : RMGZone is no longer private, and cards are "public", so textures are displayed
(cards that are removed from the game facedown, should be flipped, or played facedown)
Fix : Searching for Gold - Mono cards, filtered out the genuine gold cards


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