A guy in a french magic community gave me this in an email:

I testing your software since yesterday and I think I never come back to apprentice because your's is better.

That's really awesome feedback for a developer. Thank you! I truly appreciate your comments!

Well... My dream of finishing netplay by 1 Jan 2009 looks highly unlikely, as I have only a month... But I *AM* going to give it a decent amount of attention this holidays, and hopefully fairly soon in 2009 we'll be able to play the full game.

In terms of Magic I haven't played in ages, and the South African scene is somewhat dying, partly because of the world economy, and partly because of our local economy, and partly due to Hasbro/Wizards running it like a business (which I cannot point any fingers to, but the 3rd world countries feel the impact of your higher level choices!)

But I am committed to the software, and hopefully we'll soon have some tournaments!


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